HP (Hewlett-Packard) sander 16500C Manual

PDF Manuals
252 Pages English

HP (Hewlett-Packard) sander 16500C
on the entry line. Any combination of commands and arguments that can be
generated by following the lines in the proper direction is syntactically
correct. An argument is optional if there is a path around it. When there is a
rectangle which contains the word "space," a white space character must be
entered. White space is optional in many other places.
Notation Conventions and Definitions
The following conventions are used in this manual when describing
programming rules and example.
< > Angular brackets enclose words or characters that are used to symbolize a
program code parameter or a bus command
::= "is defined as." For example, A ::= B indicates that A can be replaced by B in
any statement containing A.
| "or." Indicates a choice of one element from a list. For example, A | B
indicates A or B, but not both.
... An ellipsis (trailing dots) is used to indicate that the preceding element may
be repeated one or more times.
[ ] Square brackets indicate that the enclosed items are optional.
{ } When several items are enclosed by braces and separated by vertical bars (|),
one, and only one of these elements must be selected.
XXX Three Xs after an ENTER or OUTPUT statement represent the device
address required by your controller.
<NL> Linefeed (ASCII decimal 10).
Programming and Documentation Conventions
Notation Conventions and Definitions
Table of Contents
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