Leviton stereo receiver 48213-VMA Manual

PDF Manuals
6 Pages English

Leviton stereo receiver 48213-VMA
Video Modulator
The Leviton 48213-VMA is a digitally-tuned video modulator that converts any baseband video and audio
signal to a user selected UHF or ultra band CATV channel. The user selects the output frequency (channel)
using the PROGRAM switches to enter the number of the desired channel. Any TV connected to the output
via coax can receive the signals when the TV is tuned to the proper channel.
NOTE: This modulator can also be connected through the Structured Media™ Center (SMC) (ideal for
connecting home security cameras). In this set-up, the modulator must be specially configured to
transmit audio signals.
This modulator may be situated directly between the source (VCR, DVD, satellite receiver) and the television
or monitor. This will enable it to receive and transmit audio signals.
NOTE: To mount Video Modulator in an SMC: Line up the push pins with holes, with the pins in the “out”
position. Push each pin to lock module into place.
Running the Cables
To connect video via the 3x8 Bi-Directional Video Module, located in your SMC, the Video Modulator requires:
A. An RG-6 quad shield coaxial cable run from the source to the Modulator in the SMC, and then to the 3x8
Bi-Directional Video Module, where a signal can be combined with CATV and routed to up to 8 televisions
throughout the home.
B. Two RCA-to-F-Connectors, to connect satellite, camera or DVD/VCR to the RG-6 cable running to the SMC
and then to connect the RG-6 cable to the Modulator.
To Provide Power
The Video Modulator comes with an external power supply adapter, which will provide 12VDC 100mA to the
unit. Plug the power adapter into the power input on the top of the unit, and plug the pronged end into a
standard AC power outlet.
To Connect Incoming Video/Audio Signals (Figure 1)
A. VIA THE SMC: Connect an RCA-to-F-Connector from your security camera, DVD player, VCR, or satellite
to the RG-6 coaxial cable that runs to the SMC. At the SMC, use another RCA-to-F-Connector to connect
the cable to the RCA INPUTS on the Video Modulator.
B. VIA LOCAL CONNECTION: Using an RCA-to-RCA cable, connect your Security Camera, DVD player, VCR,
or Satellite directly to the RCA INPUT on the Video Modulator.
To Connect Outgoing Modulated Signal (Figure 1)
A. TO 3X8 BI-DIRECTIONAL VIDEO MODULE: Use coaxial cable to connect the Video Modulator to the 3x8
Bi-Directional Video Module (PN# 47690-38B) in your SMC. Connect the cable from the coaxial output
on the Video Modulator to an auxiliary input on the top of the 3x8 Bi-Directional Video Module. The 3x8
Bi-Directional Video Module will then distribute the signal to up to eight televisions throughout the home.
For more information, refer to the instructions that come with your 3x8 Bi-Directional Video Module.
NOTE: To block out an incoming signal for cable channels 75-80, and reserve them strictly for modulated
input, use a Notch Filter (PN# 47690-NFA) between the incoming CATV service cable and the CATV
input of your 3x8 Bi-Directional Video Module.
DI-030-48213-20B 1
Instructions for Use
2222 - 222nd Street SE
Bothell, WA 98021, USA
Phone: (425) 485-4288
Fax: (425) 483-5270
A Division of Leviton Manufacturing Co.,Inc.
Phone: (425) 485-4288
Fax: (425) 483-5270
1. Lea y comprenda perfectamente todas las instrucciones.
Siga todas las instrucciones y advertencias marcadas
sobre el producto.
2. No utilice estos productos cerca del agua, por ejemplo,
cerca de bañeras, tinas, lavaderos o lavabos, fregaderos de
cocina, tinas para lavandería, dentro de sótanos húmedos,
o cerca de piscinas.
3. Nunca introduzca objetos de ningún tipo a través de las
aberturas de estos productos,ya que pueden hacer
contacto con voltajes peligrosos.
1. Nunca instale cableado o componentes de
comunicaciones durante una tormenta eléctrica.
2. Nunca instale componentes de comunicaciones en un
local mojado, a menos que los componentes hayan sido
diseñados especificamente para uso en locales mojados.
3. Nunca toque alambres o terminales sin su cubierta, a
menos que el cableado haya sido desconectado en el
interfaz de la red.
4. Use precaución cuando esté instalando o modificando
cableado o componentes de comunicaciones.
5. Para impedir choques eléctricos, se debe cubrir cada
abertura con un módulo.
1. Read and understand all instructions. Follow all warnings
and instructions marked on the product.
2. Do not use this product near water—e.g., near a tub, wash
basin, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or
near a swimming pool.
3. Never push objects of any kind into this product through
openings, as they may touch dangerous voltages.
1. Never install communications wiring or components during
a lightning storm.
2. Never install communications components in wet locations
unless the components are designed specifically for use in
wet locations.
3. Never touch uninsulated wires or terminals unless the
wiring has been disconnected at the network interface.
4. Use caution when installing or modifying communications
wiring or components.
5. To prevent electrical shock, each opening must be filled
with a module.
1. Lire les présentes directives et s’assurer de bien les
comprendre; observer tous les avertissements et
directives apparaissant sur le dispositif.
2. Ne pas installer ce dispositif à proximité d’une source
d’eau – comme une baignoire, un bac à laver, une cuve à
lessive ou un évier de cuisine –, dans un sous-sol humide
ni près d’une piscine.
3. Ne jamais insérer quelque objet que ce soit dans les
ouvertures de ce dispositif; il pourrait entrer en contact
avec des tensions dangereuses.
1. Ne jamais effectuer l’installation de câblage ou de
composants de communication pendant un orage.
2. Ne jamais installer de composants de communication
dans des endroits mouillés à moins qu’il s’agisse de
dispositifs conçus spécialement pour cet usage.
3. Ne jamais toucher des bornes de raccordement ni du fil
non isolés, à moins que le circuit ne soit pas relié à
l’interface réseau.
4. On doit prendre toutes les précautions requises lorsqu’on
installe ou modifie du câblage ou des composants de
5. Afin d’éviter les chocs électriques, toutes les ouvertures
doivent être dotées d’un module.
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