Siemens cell phone accessories TC63 Manual

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501 Pages English

Siemens cell phone accessories TC63
TC63 AT Command Set
13.7 AT+CMGS
TC63_ATC_V00.490 Page 331 of 501 5/24/05
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13.7 AT+CMGS Send SMS message
Command Description
The write command transmits a short message from TE to network (SMS-SUBMIT).
After invoking the write command wait for the prompt ">" and then start to write the message. To send the mes-
sage simply enter
<CTRL-Z>. After the prompt a timer will be started to observe the input.
To abort sending use
<ESC>. Abortion is acknowledged with "OK", though the message will not be sent.
The message reference <mr> is returned to the TE on successful message delivery. The value can be used to
identify the message in a delivery status report provided as an unsolicited result code.
If sending fails, for example, if a message is too long, the result code depends on the current setting of the
AT^SM20 command:
If the AT^SM20 <CmgwMode> equals 1 (factory default) any failure to send a message is responded with "OK".
Users should be aware, that despite the "OK" response, the message will not be sent to the subscriber.
If the AT^SM20 <CmgwMode> equals 0 any failure to send a message is responded with "ERROR".
If sending fails due to timeout, then
AT^SM20 <CmgwMode>=1 causes "+CMS ERROR: Unknown error" to be returned;
AT^SM20 <CmgwMode>=0 causes "+CMS ERROR: timer expired" to be returned.
Note that some providers do not recognize an @ symbol used in a short message. A widely used alternative
is typing "*" as defined in GSM 03.40 (GPP TS 23.40).
All characters entered behind the prompt ">" will be recognized as GSM characters. For example, "Back-
space" (ASCII character 8) does not delete a character, but will be inserted into the short message as an addi-
tional physical character. As a result, the character you wanted to delete still appears in the text, plus the GSM
code equivalent of the Backspace key.
In text mode, the maximum length of an SMS depends on the used coding scheme: It is 160 characters if the
7 bit GSM coding scheme is used, and 140 characters according to the 8 bit GSM coding scheme.
Test Command
Write Command
If text mode (see AT+CMGF=1)
AT+CMGS=<da>[, <toda>]
<CR> Text can be entered. <CTRL-Z>/<ESC>
+CMGS: <mr>[, <scts>]
If sending fails see notes below.
Write Command
If PDU mode (see AT+CMGF=0)
<CR> PDU can be entered. <CTRL-Z>/<ESC>
+CMGS: <mr>[, <ackpdu>]
If sending fails see notes below.
Reference(s) PIN ASC0 ASC1 USB MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Charge 4 Last
GSM 07.05 % % % % % % % ! ! !
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